Terry Lovelace’s Alien Abduction Is the Most Convincing UFO Encounter With Biological Evidence

Due to the lack of evidence validating abduction reports is challenging, resulting in abductees often not being taken seriously in the UFO community. While some abduction stories can be entertaining and well-crafted, most abduction stories are fabricated. However, there is one particularly compelling incident.

Terry Lovelace, a retired assistant attorney general and attorney who served as a media and EMT in the US Air Force from 1973 to 1979 claims an extraterrestrial craft took him. Lovelace’s account is fascinating and one of the few plausible and credible abduction stories.

In 1973 Lovelace joined the United States Air Force immediately after finishing high school. He received training as a medic/EMT and was stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri which was formerly called Sedalia Air Force Base. The base served as a B-2 bomber base and missile base and housed the 351st Strategic Missile Wing, with many ICBM silos with Minuteman II nuclear weapons scattered across the countryside.

Lovelace was assigned as the base doctor and drove an ambulance during the night shift from 11 pm to 8 am along with his partner, whom he called “Toby”. One night in January 1975 during their regular shift they were outside the ambulance looking at the stars when Toby an amateur astronomer pointed out the constellations and planets. Normally their shifts were monotonous, but that night turned out to be very significant, altering the course of their lives.

Lovelace (now 69) went camping with Toby at Devil’s Den State Park in northern Arkansas. As they talked by a roaring fire, they had difficulty hearing each other over the loud sounds of crickets and tree frogs. Suddenly, a strange silence enveloped them. “That sounds kind of cliché – straight out of a movie – but that’s exactly what happened to us,” he said.

As they looked towards the horizon three bright UFOs emerged and headed towards them. As the lights approached, the two partners could see that they were emanating from a black triangular prism two blocks wide.

Terry’s redrawn sketch originally dated September 4, 1977, of the massive 5-story craft he and his friend “Toby” found in the clearing of Devil’s Den State Park in June of that year. Credit: Terry Lovelace

Alien sketch by Terry Lovelace

Lovelace noticed a blue laser beam moving rapidly over them, possibly scanning for their presence. Soon after it stopped, they lost consciousness. Upon waking, he noticed Toby looking out of the tent and spotted a triangle-shaped object hovering over a group of approximately twelve children who were in a meadow below them. Lovelace asked, “Why are these kids here at this time of night?”

“They are not children. Don’t you remember they caught us and hurt us? Toby replied.

According to Lovelace when Toby uttered these words he experienced a sudden memory of being inside a UFO. Years later he resorted to hypnosis to recover his lost memories. Through one of these sessions, Lovelace recalled an incident in which he was taken aboard a spacecraft and subjected to medical experiments by peculiar entities.

These entities were humanoid forms, but their features were distorted and almost non-human. They communicated via telepathy and appeared to be performing a medical procedure on Lovelace. During his hypnosis sessions Lovelace experienced flashes of memory where he was on an exam table and screaming, but no sound came out of his mouth. He could hear telepathic messages in his head, urging him to stop screaming because they meant no harm and would take him back.

Lovelace said they had a terrible experience that left their skin red and sore like a sunburn all over their bodies, even the soles of their feet. They had to go to the hospital at the base for two days because they were so dehydrated.

While there, they were interrogated several times by men claiming to be from the “Office of Special Investigations”. They searched his home and car for a camera that Lovelace said he didn’t have, but they didn’t believe him. They also told him not to see his partner Toby again who was sent to another base. The whole experience gave Lovelace nightmares and affected him mentally for a long time.

Terry Lovelace was deeply disturbed by his encounter and left with numerous unanswered questions. He later wrote a book titled ”  Devils Den Incident: A True Story  “, with the intention of revealing the facts about extraterrestrial abductions and inspiring others to share their experiences.

During a routine X-ray of his leg in 2012 it was discovered that Lovelace had a nail-sized piece of metal embedded in his leg with tiny wires protruding from it. This object resembled a computer chip with two small wires extending towards its head, although it was unclear how far they went.

Cutaway from the upper right corner of the above radiograph showing what appears to be a computer chip with two wires. Credit: Terry Lovelace

In addition several other implants of varying shapes were detected, but only six of the twenty-four images taken were provided to Lovelace with the rest alleged to have been destroyed. Additionally, a group of objects arranged in a floral pattern similar in size to Tic Tacs were found embedded in the calf muscle.

The most surprising aspect of this discovery was that there were no signs of incision or surgery on Lovelace’s leg and the radiologist who detected the object stated that it was impossible to break the integrity of the skin without leaving a scar. These implants were apparently inserted into her body by unconventional means and the radiologist referred to the situation as “disturbing”, noting that he had never encountered anything similar.

Terry Lovelace with former AATIP manager Luis “Lue” Elizondo, late June 2019 Credit: Terry Lovelace

On his personal blog Lovelace writes: “September 2017 I was a guest speaker at a UFO event in Houston. It was my first public appearance and opportunity to speak frankly on the topic of alien abduction. This was the moment I decided to write a book. It’s an important topic. We deserve to be informed and not deceived.

I’m afraid we’ve been desensitized about the UFO phenomenon by the media, especially the movie industry. Close Encounters of the Third Kind was released in November 1977. My experience was in June of the same year. Now, YouTube provides a flood of valid information mixed with confabulation and deceit. Know the truth. Aliens really exist and some live and walk among us without even looking twice. There are probably many species from different worlds or different dimensions here on Earth today.

Some aliens might actually be our  ‘benign space brothers’ , as some claim. Here to join hands and lead humanity into a new era of peace and higher consciousness. Maybe so, but not the ones we know. The beings we know were monsters. They kidnap people and subject them to terror and brutality in pursuit of their agenda. They are 100% purpose driven and have no empathy for human or animal suffering. We are your lab rats. Once you are marked as his specimen, you are marked for life. Like a wild animal in the Serengeti Plan.”

Five years ago Terry Lovelace published a book that caused significant problems leading to a year-long harassment incident at his home outside Dallas. Lovelace reports that after the publication of the book, military planes, including two and four seats, as well as an Airbus 350 with no registered “N” number, flew over his house. These olive colored aircraft have been seen making overflights at least twice a week, usually every day. Lovelace captured many photos of the incidents, including one that appears to show a UFO in the same frame as one of the intruding aircraft.

USAF veteran Terry Lovelace suspects a UFO bombed this helicopter while he was trying to document evidence of aerial harassment at his Texas home. Credit: Terry Lovelace via Bill Cox.

After publishing a book about his experience Lovelace received a call from Tom DeLonge, founder of To The Stars Academy, along with General Neil
McCasland and Lue Elizondo, who were interested in X-rays of Lovelace’s leg, which had been injured during the meeting.

Bill Cox writes:

“I can attest to the fact that TTSA was interested in talking to Terry about possible biological effects he may have suffered,” states former AATIP manager Elizondo in an email. “Biological effects (are) a potentially serious aspect of what we study at AATIP and we now know that certain elements of the US government are just as concerned as we are. If Terry is suffering any medical consequences as a result of an alleged encounter with a UAP while serving in the military, he deserves medical attention.

“It is my experience that helicopters of unknown utility have been reported by certain individuals. Whether this is some kind of intentional harassment or simply a matter of being near a congested flight aisle remains to be seen. Obviously, flying a helicopter is expensive and logistically intense if it’s some kind of campaign to bully individuals on a regular basis. We need to do additional research to better determine the nature of these incidents,” she added, “before making any kind of proclamations.

“Terry is a good person who is also trustworthy. I believe Terry and others are convinced their experiences are legitimate.”

Pediatric surgeon and ufologist Roger Leir investigated alleged alien implants found in Terry Lovelace’s body. The implants were found to contain rare elements, some of which are only found in meteorites and do not occur naturally on Earth. This raises questions about how Terry ended up with strange implants in his body without surgical insertion and adds credence to Terry’s compelling abduction story.

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